We are very proud of our status as a Church of England School. We have close links with Holy Trinity Church. We hold Harvest, Christmas and Easter services here as well as regular services led by Team Vicar, the Rev.Tim Phillips. We always welcome parents to these events. We also use the church each July to hold a Leavers service, led by our Year 6 pupils. The School Governors present progress awards at this event to the children from each class who have made the most progress in writing, reading and maths.
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Help me to show forgiveness to everyone…..
To bring compassion when there is loneliness…..
To bring wisdom when there is foolishness….
To bring friendship when there is hate….
To bring trust when others are telling lies….
To bring endurance when others give up….
I will show friendship to others,
I will never give up,
I will tell the truth,
I will forgive others,
I will show wisdom,
I will show compassion and care
By Charlie G and Harry H
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Co-Headteachers: Mrs S Geeson and Mrs J Trahearn
Burton Road
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2LL
Tel: 01530 412243
Email: ashbyce@ashbyce.leics.sch.uk
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