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Sports Premium is govenment funding which is allocated to all primary schools to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport offered. This year we have been allocated £18,500-00 (22/23) made up from a lump sum plus £10 per child from Y1-Y6. Follow the links below to see a breakdown of how we have spent this money.
PE and Sport Premium Grant 2022/2023
Sports Premium Grant 2021/2022
Sports Premium Grant 2019/2020
Sports Premium Grant 2018/2019
How are we spending the money to improve PE and Sport in our school?
We are spending the majority of the fund, in co-operation with nearly all of the primary schools in North West Leicestershire, on the services provided to us by the North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership (NWLSSP). These services include amongst others:
In addition to this, we will also spend the money on transport costs, to allow our children to attend sports competitions, buying resources and equipment, providing opportunities for our staff to train and improve PE and sports provision in our school and also provide extra swimming lessons for children who may not achieve national curriculum targets by the end of primary school.
The majority of the Sports Premium has allowed all of our teaching staff to attend and receive continuing professional development in teaching PE, as well as allowing professional coaches into our school to work alongside all of our teachers for half a term, to continue to develop good practice and learn from professionals. These invaluable experiences and training courses, which we have been able to do because of the funding, have allowed us to improve and enhance our PE curriculum . Our teachers are putting into practise the new ideas that they have learnt about, in our PE lessons, directly impacting upon the quality of the teaching and learning of our children.
Although we were already almost full to capacity with sports clubs after school, the Sports Premium has also allowed us to offer another after-school club, a before-school club and four different lunchtime sports clubs, which are specifically targeted at getting different groups of children more active and enjoying physical activity.
The Sports Premium fund has given us to opportunity to enhance our PE curriculum, to reflect what we want children to get out of our physical education and allowed us to add to an already-packed sports competition calendar for all children in our school. We are proud of the opportunities that we can offer our children here at Ashby CE and see sports, physical activity and leading a healthy lifestyle as an integral part of our school culture.
We provide a wide and varied PE curriculum here, through at least two hours of a range of games, gymnastics, dance and swimming every week . These activities are the vehicles through which we aim to develop key physical skills and these skills are practised and progressed through your child’s time here. Our curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure that it is fully aligned to the Primary Curriculum as well as achieving recommendations by Department of Education.
We aim to ensure that all children in our school participate in competitions within the school (Level 1 competitions) over the year, and that all Key Stage Two children have the opportunities to participate in intra-school competitions (Level 2 competitions).
Recent competitions have included:
Additionally, children in Year 5 are given the opportunity and training to become ‘Playcoaches’ who organise games and activities for younger children to participate in at lunchtimes.
We also have eight Sports Captains elected from Year 6 who work tirelessly to raise the profile and engagement of Physical Education throughout our school. This includes running a KS1 & KS2 lunchtime cross country club, organising interhouse competitions and alternative sports afternoons to introduce children to new, all inclusive, sports such as Archery, Curling, Boccia and Tri-Golf and supporting charities such as Sports Relief and National Skipping Day.
This year we have achieved the Schools Games Kitemark Gold award for the first time. This Kitemark is a Government-run award scheme rewarding schools for their commitment to developing competitions across the school and into the community.
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Co-Headteachers: Mrs S Geeson and Mrs J Trahearn
Burton Road
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2LL
Tel: 01530 412243
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