Firstly, welcome to our school website. If you are a new parent either looking for your child’s first school, or recently moved into the area I'm sure you'll find all the information you will need, but please don't hesitate to call us and chat through any questions.
We refer to ourselves as ACE for two reasons. Firstly as an acronym of the three words all our school community agree describes us best, Achieve, Challenge, Encourage. We have a culture of Achievement, that Challenges and Encourages everyone to be the best version of themselves, underpinned by our embedded Christian Values of Trust, Forgiveness, Compassion, Friendship, Wisdom and Endurance. Helping us along on ‘A Journey of Joy’ . It’s also short for Ashby C of E !!
We are a family, we look after each other, we care, and we have the children at the heart of all we do. The staff enjoy being part of ACE. It is not just a job it's a heartfelt passion to add value to our children's lives and to help them to achieve their very best. This is both academic but also and equally important, to become the best version of themselves. We aspire for our children to leave us as confident, articulate, independent minded children, ready to grasp hold of the next part of their learning journey. Achievement is about so many things from top marks to writing your name for the first time, scoring a goal or giving a helping hand to somebody.
The heart of our school flows from the compassion and friendship that welcomes you as soon as you arrive. Our values are real, they come from the heart, they are understood by staff and children and they really do guide all our work. They are definitely not just six words written down! We never stand still, we are always looking forward, looking at ways to improve, building on the fine tradition of Ashby C of E , the oldest and most well established Primary School in Ashby.
We consistently have results that are above or in line with the national average, especially in regards to those children who exceed age related expectations. Despite the challenges of lock down and two very disturbed years of education our children have continued to achieve well. I can confidently say, based on our Teacher Assessments and testing that any gaps that still exist will be made up by early 2022, which we are confident will be reflected in the next round of national testing.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, either call the school office 01530 412243 or email the office
Shelly Geeson & Jo Trahearn
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Thank you.
Co-Headteachers: Mrs S Geeson and Mrs J Trahearn
Burton Road
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2LL
Tel: 01530 412243
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